Infocredit Group© is a member of the following:
CCCI (Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a financially independent, corporate body, uninfluenced by the state. Established in 1927 the CCCI unites Cypriot businesses and protects their interests, liaising with the government and members of Parliament on important issues and promoting the views of the wider business community. The CCCI has over 8,000 members, and is affiliated with over 140 professional associations in trade and industry.

The Federation of Business Information Services was established in 1973 for organisations involved in the provision of business information and debt collection services. FEBIS, as the European industry association, seeks to look after the common interest of its members, whilst monitoring new legislation and industry activities.

Aman Union
Launched in 2009, the Aman Union is a professional forum of commercial and non-commercial risk insurers and reinsurers. Its aim is to promote and develop the industry, by strengthening mutual relationships, developing credit export agencies and encouraging the exchange of information.

International Referral
Infocredit Group has been listed as International Referral’s exclusive Due Diligence member for Greece, UAE, Oman and Syria. Working with individuals and organisations who are experts in their field, International Referral brings together businesses from the financial, legal and accounting industries and focuses on ethical networking and reliable business referrals.

Cyprus-Russian Business Association
The Cyprus Russian Business Association was established in 1996, under the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Russian Embassy in Nicosia. The purpose of the association is to maintain and strengthen the relationship with the Russian market and promote Cyprus as an International Business Centre, in order to attract foreign investments.

ACA International
ACA International, founded in 1939, has grown into a community of over 5000 members worldwide. The ACA is focused on compliance within the industry and ensuring all members realise their responsibilities “in the credit and collection cycle and enhance the knowledge and skills of credit and collection professionals around the world”.

CSA Credit Services Association
The CSA was established in 1988, after the merging of the Association of Trade Protection and Debt Recovery Agents Limited. The CSA is the only National Association of its kind, in the UK, representing professionals within the industry. The CSA is dedicated to upholding the professional standards, improving methods and efficiency within the industry and bringing together like-minded organisations through common interests.

UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact, the world’s leading voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, was established in July 2000. The United Nations Global Compact is focused on the development and implementation of responsible and sustainable corporate policies and practices. Thousands of businesses from every continent, as well as hundreds of other stakeholders, are voluntarily aligning their operations and strategies within the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.